Historic Sights of Tauranga

Join our half day tour to see and learn about the history of our fast growing city of Tauranga. From the historic Elms Mission House and gardens, the battle site of Gate Pa and stories of the conflicts of the 1800's, our city has a rich history that is often overlooked. We include morning tea and cakes to keep us sustained on this easy and informative trip around what is the best place to live in New Zealand.
We will show you the sights which have played such a large part in the history of Tauranga from the early arrival of Maori hundreds of years ago to the more recent colonial settlers and missionaries arrival. Our city was the location of a significant battle in the 1860's, a site that we can visit on our half day tour.
Included is a refreshments stop for tea or coffee and cakes during the tour, also at a historic location.
Cost per person - for pickups from a single address: 1 person $80, 2 persons $75pp, 3 or more persons $70pp